When online chatting, we can save what somebody said to form his ''Classic Quotation''. Little Q does this, too. What's more? He even changes the original words. Formally, we can assume what somebody said as a string S whose length is n. He will choose a continuous substring of S(or choose nothing), and remove it, then merge the remain parts into a complete one without changing order, marked as S′. For example, he might remove ''not'' from the string ''I am not SB.'', so that the new string S′ will be ''I am SB.'', which makes it funnier.
After doing lots of such things, Little Q finds out that string T occurs as a continuous substring of S′ very often.
Now given strings S and T, Little Q has k questions. Each question is, given L and R, Little Q will remove a substring so that the remain parts are S[1..i] and S[j..n], what is the expected times that T occurs as a continuous substring of S′ if he choose every possible pair of (i,j)(1≤i≤L,R≤j≤n) equiprobably? Your task is to find the answer E, and report E×L×(n−R+1) to him.
Note : When counting occurrences, T can overlap with each other.