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问题 1832 --Yuno And Claris

1832: Yuno And Claris

时间限制: 4 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB
提交: 5  解决: 0


Yuno failed in a contest, so she was forced to wear JK dress.

Claris AKed in a contest, so she bought some JK dresses for Yuno to wear, each dress has a price.

Because Claris has lots of money, she bought n dresses, and put them in an array a1,a2,...,an.

Because Yuno loves data structure, she invented 2 kinds of operations :

1 l r x y : Change all the dresses in al,al+1,...,ar with price x to price y.

2 l r k : Yuno wants to wear the k-th cheapest dress in al,al+1,...,ar, please tell her the price of it.


The first line of the input contains an integer T(1≤T≤10), denoting the number of test cases.
In each test case, there are 2 integers n,m(1≤n,m≤100000) in the first line, denoting the number of dresses and the number of operations.
In the next line, there are n integers a1,a2,...,an(1≤ai≤n), denoting the price of each dress.
In the following m lines, each line describes an operation.
If it is a modification, then it is in the format of ''1 l r x y'', where 1≤l≤r≤n and 1≤x,y≤n.
If it is a query, then it is in the format of ''2 l r k'', where 1≤l≤r≤n and 1≤k≤r−l+1.


For each query, print a single line with an integer, denoting the answer.


3 3
2 3 3
2 1 3 1
1 1 3 3 1
2 1 3 2





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